Honey, don’t forget to deworm the kids!

Honey, don't forget to deworm the kids!Did you know that people can be infected with the same worms we de-worm our pets for? Hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, even heartworms are parasites found in pets and humans alike. Worms seems to something doctors here in the United States do NOT talk about. Worms are considered to  the medical field a ” 3rd  world problem”., but the fact is an estimated 90% of Americans are infected with worms and parasites.

Hookworms are a parasite that  lives in the small intestine of its host, such as a dog, cat,  or human. It  is estimated that between 576-740 million individuals are infected with  hookworms today. Of these infected individuals, about 80 million are  severely affected.

You can contract worms from a million different places. Worms are more common in children, however you could have contracted worms as a child and  they could still be thriving inside you as an adult! Worms can be contracted right here in s country like the United States from eating fast food, dairy, beef, eggs, chicken, dirt! Daycare facilities and pets are also a tremendous way to introduce worms into people. Kids have less then perfect hand washing habits, and so do most adults.


Some signs you may have worms are a huge appetite, always feeling hungry even when you had plenty to eat, digestive problems and even circulation problems.


Parasites and worms can actually live almost anywhere in the body from the intestines to the lungs heart or blood stream.  Many people infected with worms may not feel sick at all, or so minimal they would not even take  the time to visit a doctor. Mild symptoms which are usually associated and  things people can usually just live with. Fact is, if your body is constantly defending itself against these worms your lowering your immune systems ability to focus on other illnesses and which cause you to get sicker when you do get sick, or get sick more often then others.  Worms can be microscopic up to over a foot long ! Keep in mind that although some may have no symptoms, worms can actually kill you, just like they can kill our pets if they end up in the wrong place or get overcrowded and too large!


Castor oil was a treatment used a  decade or so back, children were given a dose about once a year and most never knew why, this was actually a preventative treatment for worms.


There are 3 herbs which are known to kill worms, garlic, thyme and mint. These would need to be consumed fresh to be effective. Keep in mind if your worms are already mature, these methods might not be effective.


In third world countries children are dewormed in school on a regular basis. Usually once a year. The most common treatments are Albendazole or Mebenzadole. They are administered as a single tablet to children. Side effects are minimal if any and there is no danger in treating someone who is NOT infected.  In the United States these 2 treatments seem to be looked down upon as dangerous and are only available by prescription. The accepted  method for worm treatment seems to be Herbal in nature. Humaworm formula suggests you do a 30 day herbal treatment which attacks both adult worms and their eggs to completely eliminate all parasites.

The HUMAWORM FORMULA works in three ways – #1 – a specific herb combination destroy the unwanted guests #2 – another herb combination sweeps the entire body of toxins and helps restore the body #3 – the digestive and colon herbs gently help this hard working system remove the waste. For more information on this product visit their website at https://humaworm.com/deworming.html


Most parasites would die off in the first 7 days but the rest would also fall out over the course of the next 23, The herb combination sweeps the entire body so there is no where for the worms to run and ride. Problems associate with localized treatments is that the worms can just pack and move to an area not being treated. A total body flush would probably be the best method to ensure you got them all!


Please note I have heard of people de-worming themselves with the same products used to treat their pets, this does not appear safe!  Serious complications have arose from people doing this, SO if you are interested in deworming yourself, try an herbal method or consult your doctor!



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