Foods that can make your dog SICK.

Some of us share our food with our dogs but did you know theres a long list of foods that can make your dog sick or even die?  Dogs metabolize or break down food differently then humans do. So there are some ingredients or products that dogs bodies can’t readily process and turn into energy therefore those ingredients are left to reek havoc on your pets insides.

Chocolate is probably the most well known. Chocolate may taste great to us, but its toxic to dogs. It can damage their lungs, heart, kidneys and nervous system. Baking chocolate is the most toxic but there is no “acceptable” chocolate to feed your dogs. Coffee falls into the same category as Chocolate. It’s poison if ingested.

Grapes and Raisins oh my! As little as 5 grapes or raisins can do a serious number on your pet. It causes permanent kidney damage. Reason: UNKNOWN. There is still no known reason why this fruit is so damaging to our dogs but its a big one to stay away from!

Gum? Well I have to say even though my dogs breathe can be anything but pleasant I never thought about giving them a stick of gum!!  Apparently people have so it makes the list!  Both Gum and candy contains Xylitol which increases your pets secretion of insulin and can cause liver damage and low blood sugar and kidney failure.   Alcohol.  Drinking alcohol can cause damage to your dogs respiratory system and nervous system from the rapid intake of Ethanol.   Yeast Dough  or just Yeast on its own also contains Ethanol and causes the same effects as above.It rises and expands inside your dog, it could range from gas and discomfort to a rupture within the stomach or intestines!

Macadamia Nuts are not fatal but they can make your dog vomit and be achy and sick ands decrease their motor functions. Most other nuts are not as harmful as the Macadamia, but if your unsure of what each nut is, just avoid them all.

Apple seeds contain Amygdin which releases cyanide when digested! You don’t have to avoid apples all together, just make sure to remove the core and seeds!  Avocado contains Persin. Persin results in diarrhea vomiting and heart congestion. Corn on the cob will block your dogs intestines, requiring surgery or will lead to death.

Raw fish cause a Vitamin B deficiency which can lead to loss of apatite, seizures and death. Salmon and Trout  specifically can be fatal to dogs  in their raw form. They often harbor  a parasite called Nanophyetus Salmincola. This Parasite is often infected with a bacteria called Neorickettsia Helminthoeca which can cause death. Once cooked, the parasite along with its bacteria friend are killed and they become a safe meal.

Hops. Alert beer drinkers who want to share a bowl with their buddy. Beer is very dangerous for your dog it causes panting, increased heart rate, fever, seizures, and death! Your dogs not catching a buzz like your hes on meltdown! Please no Beer for the dogs!

Tobacco is bad for us so logically also bad for dogs! It can damage their digestive and nervous systems, increase heart rate, cause them to pass out and even die!

Mushrooms can be fatal.

Onions and chives in any form raw, dry, cooked, powdered are extremely dangerous can damage your dogs red bloods cells and cause anemia.

There are many other foods that are not good for your dogs! Stick to the basics and avoid anything your unsure of no matter how much your dog is staring or begging. A little bit of something harmful is a little bit too much!



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