Maritime Outlaw Bullies: XL American Bully Breeder | Canada

Maritime Outlaw Bullies

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
Hey, my name is Lindsay Mac. I am the founder of Maritime Outlaw Bullies. We are located in Nova Scotia, Canada.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
We are in the beginning stages of breeding XL American Bullies. My childhood dog was an AmStaff, which is where my love for dogs started. I spent a lot of my free time researching different dog breeds. I was only 13 years old when I tracked down a Tosa Inu (Japanese Mastiff) breeder, and purchased my first Tosa.

When she passed away I started searching for a different breed to better fit my lifestyle. The American Bully, (XL specifically) happened to be everything I was looking for when it came to temperament, size and functionality. Everything else that comes with them is just a bonus, like the unwavering loyalty they possess.

What is your favorite bloodline?
I can’t really say I have a favorite bloodline. A dog I lost, and loved deeply, was mainly Bossy blood. He was an all around great dog. I definitely have an appreciation for Bossy blood.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
A responsible breeder to me is a variety of things. They should care about their productions long after they leave their care. Responsible breeders should do homework on potential buyers, and have contracts to protect themselves, the pup, and the new owners. Lastly, responsible breeders should always treat their dogs like family!

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
I am currently feeding a mix of kibble and raw. I recently completed a raw dog food nutrition specialist course. However, I haven’t had the chance to put it to use yet.

How many times a day do you feed your dogs?
We feed our dogs twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening. We also provide them with lots of fresh water and a few treats throughout the day.

How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?
We won an XDog weighted fitness vest, from an MVP Bullies contest a while back. That vest has been great for our dogs. For our pups, it’s just walks, fetch, tug of war and basic light exercise.

Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Maritime Outlaw Bullies, from start to finish.
We are an upcoming kennel and have not had a litter of our own yet. However, we do offer stud services to approved females.

Do you currently show any of your dogs?
We do not currently show any of our dogs. If we had more time to commit to traveling for shows, we would consider it.

What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
Since we are an upcoming breeder ourselves, I don’t have much advice to offer. However, I would say as intimidating as the bully world may be, don’t be afraid to ask questions or reach out to fellow breeders. You never know the amount of support you will receive, until you try!

What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
For me personally, the hardest thing to overcome was the setbacks. I lost my first stud at a young age. I had big plans for him and the future of my program. It was a huge wakeup call, as I was not prepared for that.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?
By staying true to their vision, while keeping in mind that things can change in an instant. Always be ready for the unexpected things that come along with breeding.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
I have to give this one to my good friends Jon and Denise Enns over at New Image Bullies. They have an undeniable devotion to the betterment of this breed. I am blessed to have their productions in my yard.

Tell us about one of Maritime Outlaw Bullies main goals for the year 2020.
Our main goal for 2020 is to add a female to our program. I would also like to continue to expand my canine nutrition education.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
I am hoping in 10 years time that there will be an even larger bully community, and that we have broken the stigma around bully breeds.

What separates Maritime Outlaw Bullies from the competition?
We believe that dogs are family before anything else. The health and happiness of our dogs is our main priority.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
Bully’s will always be our biggest passion, but we also love building project cars, bikes or anything with a motor. We are hoping to one day convert an old bus into an RV.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
As an upcoming breeder, Bully Girl Magazine is a great outlet for us. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. We have nothing but love and respect for BGM, and all that they do for the bully community.

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