Hosting An ABKC Event – What’s Involved?

ABKC Show Photo

Hosting ABKC shows has become THE thing to do within the Bully Community. However, the ABKC wants to keep its high standards of the way shows are hosted. The following information has been compiled as a guideline, an should be considered before you decide to host an ABKC show. It is very fun yet exhausting and expensive at the same time! It takes a lot of hard work, time, dedication, and is definitely a team effort! It’s a serious endeavor, not to be taken lightly.

It requires a lot of experience attending shows and aquiring your own hosting plan. It also requires a lot of money out-of-pocket to purchase everything you will need to host the event. For example, the average outdoor event may cost up to $7,000 to host, and the average indoors Expo can cost up to $12,000 to host, including all out-of-pocket expenses and materials. These amounts may not always be recouped. You have to be willing and prepared to take a loss, occasionally. The following is a general checklist:

Decide on the venue. If indoors 60,000 sf of space minimum is required. If outdoors there should be plenty of shelter from the elements in case of inclement weather. Or, you may opt to purchase insurance which includes a “rain date” clause.
Contact the venue to get an event quote and available dates. And, of course, ask if they allow this type of event.
How many breeds will you show?
How many shows will be scheduled?
How many total classes will you make available?
How many judges and reps. do you need to hire? And, decide which judges and reps. you want to hire. (See, Judges and Reps page on the ABKC website.) You may need to pay up-front for their expenses: hotel, air fare, gas, etc.
How many ribbons do you need? (Hired ABKC Rep. can help you figure that out.)
Is a cleanup crew required? – Highly recommended!
Who will ring-steward your show, and do they know how? (Hired ABKC Rep. will not do this for you, but can help guide this person.)
Will you need someone to collect entrance fees/parking fees?
Must have at least 2 people willing to learn how to do registrations. (Hired ABKC Rep. will not do this for you, but will help guide these people.)
Purchase something to create armbands (i.e., index cards).
Also need supplies like: rubber bands, pens, programs, signs, tables, chairs, etc. (all the necessary materials to run registration and operate the show smoothly)
Do you need to find a provider of exhibit booths, tables and chairs (if necessary for an inside event)?
How will you provide food and beverages for your patrons? Do you need a food vendor?

The following expenses will also be incurred out-of-pocket:
ABKC Show hosting fees ($100 1st show, $50 each show thereafter – for one event. All first time show hosts are limited to one show per event.)
Venue fees.
Insurance: Additional Insureds on the Insurance and Certificate Holder (include a rain date – if necessary).
Attorny fees: To answer any legal questions you may have (optional, but recommended).
Ribbons/Trophies (Trophies are optional. You can present only ribbons, but trophies are a plus, especially for Expos held indoors.)
Judge and rep. fees and necessary expenses.
Pooper scoopers, buckets, trash bags/cans, paper towels, brooms/mops, soap for hand washing, etc.
copies of the entry forms, and, if you plan to draft and distribute an operational guide for your team, copies of that.
Megaphones or a PA system
DJ – optional
Activities for children – optional

There is so much more that is involved. Once you have a plan of action, including who is going to rep and judge your show, you must go to the ABKC website (, click on the Events tab, open, print, complete, and return the Application to host a show BY MAIL, in order to get your show approved. Also, be sure to read all of the rules on that page.

In conclusion, use this checklist as a general guide, organize your thoughts, and plan a great show! It basically takes four things to host a great show: time, patience, passion, and your own money! Good luck hosting your ABKC show!

(Info Courtesy of ABKC)

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