Muscolor Bullies: American Bully Breeder | Atlanta, GA

Muscolor Bullies

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Gabrielle Baxley. My kennel goes by the name of Muscolor Bullies. You can find us in Atlanta, Georgia.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
I breed standard, as well as pocket American Bullies. Growing up, my father always dealt with game dogs, and I’ve always had a love for all bull breeds.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
Responsible dog breeders make sure to breed for structure and correctness. I believe that a responsible dog breeder should also worry more about the breed, and customer service, than profit. Responsible breeders also plan each breeding correctly, and breed to better the breed.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
My dogs usually eat Victor and Sportsmix. We also feed raw deer meat as well.

What is your favorite bloodline?
My favorite bloodline would have to be either Muscletone or Lucky Lou blood.

Do you currently show any of your dogs?
I do not show my dogs currently. However, I look to begin showing them in 2020.

What advice does Muscolor Bullies have for any upcoming breeders?
My advice would be to research, research, and research again. A lot of breeders jump into this game and think they have all the answers, when they don’t. These breeders end up making a lot of avoidable mistakes. Lastly, breed for what you love and do not follow the hype.

What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
I think patience is the most difficult thing for a lot of people to overcome. Most breeders think that they will breed the best dog, stud, or female off their first, second, or third breeding. Perfection and success takes patience. To get the dog you want, you have to remain patient.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
I can honestly say I look up to Bashar Daoud over at Muscletone Bullies. I think the way he kept, and keeps producing dogs, with a signature look that he loves is phenomenal. I also look up to Alex Ferraro, due to the fact that every generation of his dogs get better and better.

Tell us about one of Muscolor Bullies main goals for the year 2020.
Our main goal for 2020 is to start showing. Bringing our dogs out, training them, and bringing home titles. We would also like to get a few more litters on the ground, as well as get our studs a few more litters. We would like to really show what our studs can produce.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
Good dogs, good business, and good people. Honestly, a lot of people think that the breed should have one generic look. However, I love the way you can look into the American bully world and really search for many different looks within one breed. I think it’s something that adds a sense of uniqueness to our particular breed.

What separates Muscolor Bullies from the competition?
My kennel is a lot different from a respect and customer service standpoint. First of all, I’m only 20 years old, so I’m pretty young. I spent three years researching these dogs before getting started with them. We don’t just sell dogs, or breed dogs. We help and provide support for people who purchase from us. Once you purchase a dog from us you’re considered family. If you need help with anything, we’re one call or message away. Also, our goal is to better the breed. We don’t like lazy dogs that can’t run, can’t go for walks, or breathe. We breed muscular, boned up dogs that will run all day if you let them.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
Other than my taking care of my dogs, I sell hair products as well.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I enjoy reading Bully Girl Magazine, and believe that others should as well.

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