Can my pet fly?

imagesY1HC9CL2For many a family vacation is not a family vacation unless all family members, pets included are there! When looking to air ship a pet in most cases the novice will be stumped! There are several different airlines which will ship pets however the guidelines and restrictions vary. First there are 2 options for shipping your pet, as cargo or in the cabin.  Not all airlines offer both, some offer one or the other. Bringing your pet aboard an airline is actually quite dangerous for many reasons, so it is important to do ample research before deciding to take them along.

A major risk for your pet in air travel is stress. If your dog or cat is generally a neurotic pet, flight is probably not the best option for them.  Many airlines, which only allow pets to fly as cargo have off seasons such as summer, and winter. The reason for these restrictions is the hull in most cases is not temperature controlled. Meaning, that in summer the hull is way too hot for your pet, and in the winter, too cold. Temperatures can change extremely fast and kill your pet. So if the airline you choose has a temperature restriction, they are probably not your safest bet unless your well below or above the temperature limits.   There are some airlines like Continental Airlines which have pressurized, temperature controlled  baggage cabins ( which is where your furry friend would be kept). These are the safest options when shipping your pet as cargo.

Other then temperature there are still many risks for your pet flying as cargo. You know your pet better then anyone, If he is a master of escape, I would suggest leaving him at home! If your pet someone manages to escape from their carrier in the cargo cabin they could quickly meet their demise. It is so important to use a sturdy escape proof crate or carrier. Most airlines have specific regulations on the carrier and although it seems like a hassle to go buy that expensive carrier when you already have a carrier, it’s for your pets safety!

Regulations for a safe pet carrier  will include being TSA approved brand, the correct size for your pet with adequate ventilation. It is also very important your name, address, phone  number, pets information  and destination are clearly visible on the TOP of your carrier, your pets current vet  check should also be kept in this area. You are also required to write VERY large : LIVE ANIMAL.

You are allowed to place a toy or blanket in the carrier to help calm your pet, but please be sure to pick items that are safe for your pet, choosing something he could potentially choke or get tangled in should be avoided.

Flying as cargo will also have restricted breeds in addition to their temperature restrictions. In many cases the bully breeds are not allowed to fly as cargo in any situation. There are 2 reasons for this. First, bully breeds are considered dangerous and in many cases will be on the dangerous breed list and will be banned. Second snub nose, meaning dogs with short muzzles will not be allowed to be shipped as cargo because they tend to have difficulty breathing and the extreme conditions can be fatal to them.


Some airlines, like Southwest, will allow pets to fly in-cabin only, which means right in the passenger area with you. These airlines will only allow small pets ( dog or cat) that will fit right under the seat in front you. This does not help the people with pets on the banned lists. But is a much safer option for  those with puppies, or small breed dogs.

Due to the increasing demand for pets to travel, there are several new companies popping up which cater more to the animal friendly crowd. Pet Airways is a pets only airline and Companion Air allow pets to ride in cabin along with their owners. Companion Air offers small planes which can only fit 6 people and 12 pets. They offer rental carriers but encourage you to bring your own carrier. There appears to be no size or breed restrictions on either companies flights. At this time both offer limited routes, but I’m sure options will increase as the demand to for pet travel increases.


Any airline has the right to refuse any animal at any time. For reasons from, aggression, to odor, to noisy, or feeling the carrier is not satisfactory. So make sure all of your information is correct, your vet check is current and clear, and your carrier is up to code and fits correctly to avoid delays or refusal.

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