Genovese Family Bullies: American Bully Breeder | Philadelphia

Genovese Family Bullies

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Joe “Bones” Genovese, of Genovese Family Bullies, located in South Philadelphia.

Facebook: Joe Bones Genovese
Instagram: @genovesefamilybullies

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
I work with American Bullies. I was always involved with all bully breeds. When I was born, my parents had a male from the same litter as Spud McKenzie, an English Bullterrier. FYI, Spud McKenzie was actually a female dog. Growing up, I also had a Boxer, American Bulldog and numerous APBT’s.. I was also involved in rescuing so I was always around the “misunderstood” breeds.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
A responsible breeder in my opinion, is one who treats all his/her dogs as family, and not just used as stock. I love when I see all the dogs living in the home or an indoor kennel, even though this is very difficult and costly.

A responsible breeder is someone who is all about the well being of the dog. Responsible breeders have a structured, consistent breeding program.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
When I first started I tried many different types of dry food and raw diets. My male “Louie” was a very picky eater, with a super fast metabolism. He could eat anything, so I was just happy to get him to eat as much as possible to bulk up.

I’ve now found what works for me. I stick to the brand BilJac, using 2 cups dry and 1/2 can wet, twice a day. When preparing for ABKC Shows, I get them ready feeding them accordingly, depending on if I want them to bulk or cut up.

What is your favorite bloodline?
I am most fond of Daxline, created by Ed Shepherd. I love the look of Dax, and a lot of the top stud dogs coming off of him in the game today. Lucky Luciano is my favorite, who is sire to my female “Vita”.

I once came across an article that said there was an ongoing joke among breeders. It said that his ability to produce was so consistent, “he could lay dick to a Chihuahua and drop a Champion or two.” Dax is known as the best producing bully in the history of the American Bully movement.

Does Genovese Family Bullies currently show any dogs?
Showing my dogs is how I got so involved into the breed. When I bought my first male from Devils Den, I just wanted to have the most badass dog in the neighborhood. I wanted looks, temperament, and the ability to answer to my every command. I wanted a dog that looked like me on the other end of the leash! Being involved in weight lifting, I felt showing the dog would be very similar to a bodybuilders competition.

What advice does Genovese Family Bullies have for any upcoming breeders?
Well being an upcoming breeder myself, I would say have patience in picking which direction you really want to go in with your kennel.

What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
I’d say the most difficult thing to overcome in the bully game, is how there are so many different directions the breed is heading in. Stick to the original look of the breed.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?
Knowledge. Read up on the breed standards. Depending on the registry, this may vary.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
Wow! To name my top 3 kennels I’d have to go with Devils Den Bullies, Clutch Kennels, and XXL Designer Pitbulls.

Devils Den Bullies – I relate to the founder Mike Gallo. We walked the same walks of life, and he is strong on being family oriented. He’s been in the dog world forever and gives me the most knowledge. Not to mention, he’s the realest motherfucker I’ve met! He stays true to his vision, no matter what the fad is, and tells it like it is.
Clutch Kennels – Krista and James treat their dogs like their own children! All their dogs live in the home with them. They even throw their dogs birthday parties! All their dogs are good examples of the standard they are in.
XXL Designer Pitbulls – Yo, they have the best kennel I’ve seen so far! Their kennel is bigger than their own home. I’d have to say their dogs diet is as good as mine, if not better. All their dogs are very consistent.

I can not conclude this question without mentioning Joe Burney of Devilsden. As a husband, father, fellow union man, and most importantly as a handler, he knows how to balance his life and take care of business. The connection he has with his dog, CH Diesel, is nothing but perfect.

Tell us about one of Genovese Family Bullies main goals for the year 2020.
More shows, ribbons, bigger baguettes… You get the big picture! All jokes aside, I’m just looking to purchase a bigger home with a bigger yard! I have a 2x Lucky Luciano breeding planned. I can’t wait to see what I produce from that.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
I would hope that in the next 10 years, the breed standards are all consistent and everyone is following the guidelines, in whichever registry.

What separates Genovese Family Bullies from the competition?
At Genovese Family Bullies everyone is family. I’ve come across a lot of people who see you as competition, and even the enemy. Working with me, I’ll pass any knowledge I have to you, or a complete stranger asking for help in the good cause of the breed.

I look to produce high quality American Bullies who are functionable. The goal is to have dogs that can be a family pet as well as show quality. My dogs are available not only for shows and breeding, but for modeling as well. We work with companies such as XDog, Muscle Bully, and MVP K9 Supplements. Promo Code “Devilsdenlouie”.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
Besides my dogs, I am heavily into the gym, getting tattoos, and I’m currently working two union jobs. Do you have time in your day you can spare? Because I need more!

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I actually came across Bully Girl Magazine while serving 7 years. I was lost without dogs and the magazine helped me connect, not only to the outside, but with a new breed to come home and get involved with.

Thanks for this feature. I speak for the new people coming up in the game. Don’t be discouraged and take your time. Thanks for reading.

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