Left Coast Frenchies: French Bulldog Breeder | California

Left Coast Frenchies

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Joel Santillan, and we are Left Coast Frenchies. You can find us in Woodland Hills, California. Please follow our instagram @LeftCoast_Frenchies.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
I breed French Bulldogs. I’ve been breeding large breed dogs for year, such as the French Mastiff. However, the size and temperament of the French Bulldog really fits best for our family. Now i’ve got the Frenchie Fever! LOL.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
With a breed that’s prone to allergies, a grain-free diet is a must! We feed Nature Domain with some added supplements. I’ll add some Liquid Gold from time to time. I also sprinkle some Secret Green powder. I call it “Hulk Powder”. Since the cat’s out of the bag, its actually called Moringa. It’s a Super Food! I heard about it a few years ago and tried it myself.

Moringa is very beneficial for us, so why not use it on our dogs. I started growing Moringa myself, so its organically grown in my back yard, and straight into my Frenchie and Mastiff’s bowl. I’ve been giving it to them daily for a little over a year now. Since they began using it, i’ve had no allergies or skin issues and their energy is up. Moringa is great for their joints and inflammation. It also keeps the dogs coats looking beautiful. Look up the benefits of Moringa!

What is your favorite bloodline?
That’s a tough question. With so many bloodlines out there, its hard to just pick one. I love the way breeders can produce consistent looks in each litter and improve the breed.

Do you currently show, any of your dogs?
I currently don’t show my dogs. We’ve been to a few shows, and would like to do so in the future.

What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
Just be honest. Ask questions to other reputable breeders. Also make sure to share the knowledge. This will keep the cycle going and improve the bully community as a whole. Take your losses as lessons, and learn from your mistakes.

What do you think, is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
I think its the lack of teaching others. Most people don’t want to take a few minutes out of their day to share some knowledge.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?
By being open and willing to help out others that need it. You have to truly want to learn and improve the breed. There are a few people out there that love to share their knowledge and experience. We need more of that!

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
There are a few people out there that really helped me with Frenchie breeding. One that comes to mind is Aldo Martinez with Wine Country Bullies. (IG: @winecountrybullies)

Aldo is very knowledgeable, humble, and patient. I threw a lot of questions at him, and he was always there to help! Aldo is a great mentor in the bully game.

Tell us about one of your main goals for the year 2018.
Well, I recently lost my foundation female. However, that’s not stopping us or slowing us down. I just picked up a new beautiful female pup. So for 2018, I just plan on regrouping and keeping her as healthy as can be. I would also like to hit up a few dog shows and search for a heavy hitting stud for my new girl, to produce some quality frenchies.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
I’d like to see more unity in the bully community. You see a lot of politics on social media. I started noticing smaller dog shows and old school BBQ meet up’s popping up. We need more of these family friendly events, and maybe some hands on booths, showing breeding techniques or Q&A’s.

What separates your kennel from the competition?
I don’t see it as a competition. I always try to be honest and upfront in every situation. My goal is to make the experience of buying a dog from me as easy and stress free as possible. I want to send the new owners home with a healthy, well structured pup.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
I love the beach and hanging out with my family. My wife, daugter and I take a drives up the Central Coast searching for a beautiful beach to relax at, and of course there is always a Frenchie on the side.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I think Bully Girl Magazine is awesome! Bully Girl Mag gives you a behind the scenes look at other breeders, and also give you the opportunity to network.

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