Lifestyle Kennel: American Bully Breeder | Maryland

Lifestyle Kennel

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Christopher McCallum Jr. I am the CEO of Lifestyle Kennel, along with my kennel partners: which are my girl Tara Hawkins, and my brother Christian McCallum. We are located in Williamsport, MD.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
We breed American Bullies. Growing up around Pit bull Terriers our whole life, we wanted something similar, but more compact and mass. Mainly, we wanted the dog to be a companion and family dog. Also, we were inspired after seeing LowJack Remy Martin and things kind of took off from there.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
We feed our Bullies Purina Dog Chow, Victor, or Diamond Natural throughout the year.

What is your favorite bloodline?
Our favorite bloodlines are Razors Edge, Remyline, and Daxline.

Does Lifestyle Kennel currently show any dogs?
We don’t show any of our dogs at the moment. We are at the beginner stage, so we are gathering as much information as we can from different kennels.

What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
My advice for upcoming breeders is to make sure you have a goal. Know what you want to accomplish in your program. Also, if you’re going to breed, make sure everything is legit.

What do you think, is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
The most complicated thing to overcome in the bully game is the hatred. People don’t want to see you winning. There’s enough room for everybody to accomplish their goal and chase their dreams.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?
They can overcome the hate by spreading there knowledge to people like me. By that I mean people that are coming up and have their heart into this bully game. I would definitely love to help direct others to where they want to be.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
The people I look up to in the bully game are: Dave Wilson, founder of razors edge. I also look up to Marlon Grennan, founder of Dark Dynasty K9. Dave Wilson has a lot of beautiful dogs around the world. I love the protection work Marlon Grennan does with his dogs. My dream is to one day be in those guys’ place, as far as how successful they’ve become with their dogs, but with my own organization.

Tell us about one of Lifestyle Kennel’s main goals for the year 2018.
Our main goal in 2018 is to get people around the world to know who we are. We represent the lifestyle of these dogs. We focus on trying to change the negativity of the breed, by showing people how loving these dogs can be. The vision is to make that perfect dog to represent our kennel.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
Ten years from now, we are hoping to see a lot of people in the bully game working together to create that special dog for their program. It should be about more than just breeding American Bullies. We want to show the world what these dogs can do. Hopefully the negativity spoken about the breed will be gone.

What separates Lifestyle Kennel from the competition?
The difference between our kennel and others, is we have a variety of different color dogs that we’ve produced to try meet buyers needs. We also focus on the temperament in these dogs. We try to create the perfect family dog that people will love. Hopefully, they will come back to get another member for their family.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
We take pride in training our dogs to be capable and reliable companion dogs. We also take our dogs swimming in the river for a little exercise.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I think Bully Girl Magazine is a great place for people to see upcoming breeders, there location, and learn how their kennel came about. Also, I love the engagement and interaction they present to those who are looking for dogs.

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