Bay Area Kennels: XL American Bully Breeder | California

Bay Area Kennels

Who is Bay Area Kennels?

Tell our readers who you are, and where your kennel is located.
My names Jerry Robles. Our kennel name is Bay Area Kennels. We are in the heart of wine country. Our kennel has two chapters. Bay Area Kennel’s first chapter is run in Redwood City California. The second chapter is in Santa Rosa California. I run the chapter in Santa Rosa, CA. We are in the north and the south of the Bay Area. Our name came from the bay we live in. We needed a name that represented both our chapters equally.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
The XL American Bully breed is our main focus. We fell in love with the dog’s structure and size. I had seen several sizes of the American Bully, but wanted to stick to the most original with a twist of size. The American Bully is not like any other breed of dogs that I have came across. This breed is very loyal and their temperaments are amazing. I have owned several other breeds and they want to be left alone, while the Bully wants to please the owner and always want to be around humans.

Although we breed only XL Bully’s, we are more focused on producing females. We have chosen this focus because with a solid foundation female, many doors can be opened. We noticed a lot of the attention goes to the males, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a kennel with females that get the bully world’s attention.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
Our dogs are on a raw diet. We live in a county where cattle and hunting is common. We use this to our advantage, and always shop around for raw meat such as; cow, rabbit, deer, goose, ducks rabbits, fish, quails and chicken. We also use veggies and fruits that we mix in with the meat. As well with the raw diet we love to use Bully max and the supplements. They give our dogs that extra boost to promote good health.

What is your favorite bloodline?
One of our favorite bloodline is Razors Edge. Growing up and seeing the structure of that bloodline really caught my attention. The structure and body type of Razors Edge to me, was the closest to the American Pit Bull. We stuck around that bloodline and was able to get our new generation of the American Bully XL started.

Do you currently show, any of your dogs?
We currently do not show our dogs, because we are still trying to produce a female that will WOW the bully community. We feel that once we have a female, with the look and body structure we are dreaming for, is when we will stop breeding and focus on shows. That is when we will let people see our creation of females.

What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
Value your dogs as if they are your kids. Don’t use them and toss them away after. Care for your dogs, and they will return the love in so many ways. We love our dogs and see them as family.

What do you think, is the most difficult thing for people in the bullygame to overcome?
Focusing on what you want in your program and the specific style you’re looking for. I wasn’t always sure on the look I wanted. It took a while for us to think of what we wanted in our kennel. Finally, we got to thinking, and this is what led to us focusing on producing females that will surprise the bully community. Once a kennel knows what they want to produce, from there the breedings and choosing a certain stud will get simpler as you go.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?
Before buying a dog or starting a kennel, really think of what you want to produce, and why you want to produce it.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
I really looked up to Remyline. I was able to learn how they started from a look of a dog, and started a bloodline. From there, I began to think about what I wanted to produce and why.

Tell us about one of Bay Area Kennels most memorable moments, in 2017 so far.
We produced our girl Valentina aka Tina. She is our upcoming star, and we are really proud of how she is turning out. She is still a young pup, and we have high expectations of her to take our program to the next level.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully Community, to be 10 years from now.
It would really make me happy to see the Bully Community become more united. We are all one big bully family. We shouldn’t see each other as competition but help one another in producing the look everyone wants in their program.

What separates Bay Area Kennels from the competition?
We don’t compete with kennels, because we understand everyone has vision in their program. We all have a look we want in our program. Our goal is to have females that other kennels will love to own and have in their program. We look up to other kennels that have top studs that we use in our program as well.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
We really love the farmer life, and working with cattle and horses. I guess you can say we live a country life, and enjoy it more than anything. This allows our dogs to enjoy running freely and they will not ever need to be caged.

What motto do you live by?
We live by a biblical verse.
“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”
Don’t be jealous of you neighbor, but help them along the way.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I really have respect for Bully Girl Magazine, as they have brought together many kennels. Because of Bully Girl Magazine, I was able to connect with kennels on the East Coast. Bully Girl Magazine has opened the doors for many, and now the West Coast and East Coast bully community can communicate and are able to see each other’s dogs. This is what the bully community needed. Slowly we are coming together and helping each other grow.

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