DBD Kennels: American Bully Breeder | Massachusetts

DBD Kennels: American Bully Breeder

Who is DBD Kennels?

State your name, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Jordan Rose, of DBD Kennels, located in Cape Cod, MA.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
I breed the American Bully. I’ve always loved the breed as a kid. I started volunteering at a local pet store when I was 12, until I was of age to start working. This is where I first saw the breed. Local breeders would ask me questions about nutrition and I would then do my research. I gained knowledge on this breed and was able to give advice to local breeders on nutrition. I also got to hang out with them, which allowed me to learn and observe a lot about the breed, until I was old enough to travel to my first ABKC show in Maryland.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
I feed by dogs “Tate of the Wild” dry food three times a day. I also will occasionally feed my dogs raw meats, such as chicken or beef.

What is your favorite bloodline?
Currently my favorite bloodline is FOB Thomas Kennels Worldstarr. Other bloodlines that are my favorite include: Paco Blood, Freakshow Line, Remyline, West Coast Gottiline, and Daxline. I currently have all these bloodlines in my yard.

Do you currently show, any of your dogs?
Yes, we currently show all of our dogs.

What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
My advice to any upcoming breeders is to do lots of research. Before you purchase, make sure you are getting the right bloodline to start with for your vision. Visit lots of shows, and speak to judges when you can. Also, visit plenty of yards.

What do you think, is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
I think that the most difficult thing would have to be the hatred. Don’t worry about what any other yard is doing, just worry about your own. Others tend to worry about what the next best thing is, but at the end of the day, it’s all about the love of the breed.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?
They can overcome it by working together and creating the ultimate bully, health and structure wise, so it lives another 100 years.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
That’s hard. I don’t really look up to anyone necessarily. I want to do my own thing in the bully game, and I have others who I look to for support.

Tell us about one of DBD Kennels most memorable moments, in 2017 so far.
I can’t really just choose one. Thinking about this past year, 3 memorable moments come to me. First would be the Back to the Bully’s in Virginia (June 3), seeing Worldstarr and Demon Boy for the first time, and being able to get a few pictures of Demon Boy stacked up with my champion Gia. Second would be the Allentown Bully Convention 5 (October 14th), my production, third generation Vida, had her first show and placed 2nd twice, 1st once, and took a reserve. Lastly, being able to breed to RIP Woldstarr from FOB Thomas Kennels, owned by Tone Roldan, and produced by Ken Thomas.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully Community, to be 10 years from now.
Ten years from now I hope to see the same people, in the same competition, and see many other generations competing as well.

What separates DBD Kennels from the competition?
I think what separates my kennel from the competition is that I like to go out into the community, supporting local events and just being involved in any way I can. Also, I will travel 20+ hours sometimes to ABKC shows because of the love I have for this breed, and being around others who do as well. I am also working on putting my dogs in to the school systems as service dogs, and helping those who would benefit from this great breed.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
I am going to school working towards my plumbing journeyman’s license, while working full-time, and running a kennel. I also enjoy riding my street bike with a few buddies, and working on cars.

What motto do you live by?
“Quality over Quantity!”
“Respect Karma.”

What does DBD Kennels think of Bully Girl Magazine?
It’s a great source to see what’s going on in the Bully Community, and it is loved by all.

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