State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
We are Adrian and Jayline Palacio, from Palacio Bully Camp. You can find us in Miami, Florida.
What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
Our breed of choice is the “True American Bully Breed”. The inspiration behind breeding our bullies began from the moment we saw the mother of our bitch Zelda, “Blue Ivy”. She had that “WOW” factor that made us want to breed our own bullies. Making a vision become a reality, we breed for the health, muscle, structure, mass, mobility, and of course the love of the breed.
What type of diet does Palacio Bully Camp keep its dogs on throughout the year?
We feed our bullies Taste of the Wild – Pacific Stream (salmon).
What is your favorite bloodline?
Our favorite bloodline is Magoo, and Cashpot blood. They bring that unique structure that we consider as a “True American Bully”.
Does Palacio Bully Camp currently show any of its dogs?
Yes, we show our female Zelda at the BBCR and ABKC events. Our males Samcro and King show at the UKC and ABR events.
What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
Follow your own vision. Never let anyone take that focus from you no matter how hard, or how long it will take to accomplish.
What do you think, is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
One of the most difficult thing to overcome is knowing the difference between quality and quantity. If you have a quality dog, don’t just breed that female to any dog because it has muscle or looks nice. You will not get what you want, and end up with quantity, instead of quality because the litter gave you more than expected.
How do you think they can overcome this thing?
Creating a bully that will meet your every standard, is not easy. Do your research. Study the breed, and the bloodlines. Make your decision based on your knowledge and experience, but also listen to others who have experience and guidance. Don’t fall for those who know how to advertise, because you will most probably not get what you were looking for. Stick to your vision alone and you will achieve it.
Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
I have had the opportunity to have Kenny Cypress as a mentor. He has always had great guidance and knowledge behind every breeding he has created. We have gained a lot of knowledge throughout our journey.
Tell us about one of Palacio Bully Camps main goals for the year 2018.
Our main goal this year is/was to produce a shemale like Zelda in a Tri skin, smaller, and more compacted format. We have Thankfully achieved that goal by producing with Zelda on her first litter, with Muscletone’s Bully- Prince, a Tri shemale that has met all of our needs. Our new goal before the year is over is to repeat that breeding with similar results.
Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
Well, this is a question most wouldn’t want to answer because its a bit controversial. However, what I would like to have in the bully community is more healthy dogs. The bully community needs better produced dogs, who live a full dog life-span. Breeders need to be more educated and knowledgable about this breed as they produce each breeding. Lastly, I would love to see unity in the bully community.
What separates Palacio Bully Camp from the competition?
Our kennel is different from other kennels. Since we entered the bully world, we promoted our females and males equally. There was never a moment where I would hide my bitches because I didn’t think they were good enough. They are part of program and will always be seen, because we like to show our clients that no matter what breeding we produce, you will know the female behind the productions.
What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
Our hobbies and interests are Photography, Graphic Designs, and Training dogs.
What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I think Bully Girl Magazine is an amazing magazine that gives opportunity for all bully breeds and breeders both to be seen, and give their views in the bully world. I would like to Thank Bully Girl Magazine for this opportunity to be a part of this great publication!
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